966715481 - Plaza del León, nº 2 - 03177 Daya Vieja info.dayavieja@dayavieja.es

Municipal Services

City Hall of Daya Vieja
Hours of Customer Service: Monday to Friday, from 9am. at 2pm

Address: Avda. Pdte. Adolfo suarez, 8 03177 Daya Vieja

Telephone: 966 715 481

City Hall of Daya Vieja

Address: Plaza del león, nº 2

Phone: 618 70 80 47

Local police

Doctor’s office
Address: Avda Presidente Adolfo Suarez, nº 10

Doctor’s Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday from 8 to 11 in the morning.

Nurse’s Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 h. at 11 h. in the morning.

Phone: 966 71 38 65

Local pool

It will remain open during school holidays

Every day 11:30 h. at 19.30 H.

House of Youth
To enjoy their facilities you need to request at the City Council.
For more information call 96 671 54 81

C / Sacerdote Manuel Ortuño, s / n.

House of youth

Catastral Information Point
The CATASTRAL INFORMATION POINT OF DAYA VIEJA is located in the offices of the City Hall of Daya Vieja, located in Plaza del León, num. 2

Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
You can access the Virtual Cadastral Office through the following link:


City Hall of Daya Vieja

Sports facilities
It has a 7-a-side Soccer Field, a Futbito Track and a Petanque Field.

For information and reservations 966 71 54 81

Cultural center

(Here is the Telecentre, the Library and a Projection Room)

Next opening

D.A.Y.A. center
(Center for the Development of Activities and Associations)

Located on Avda. Presidente Adolfo Suárez, nº 8

Open every day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

DAYA center
