966715481 - Plaza del León, nº 2 - 03177 Daya Vieja info.dayavieja@dayavieja.es

Participatory public consultation

Do you have an interest in the public/collective affairs of Daya Vieja?

And are you interested in participating in the issues that affect the people of Daya Vieja?

Do you think that the opinions of citizens are taken into account by the City Council?

Does the City Council make it easier for people to participate in the decisions it makes?

Do you think that the government team currently provides information on how to participate in decisions that affect the residents of Daya Vieja?

Do you participate in any association or entity of any type of Daya Vieja (cultural, neighborhood, sports, festive...)?

If you don't participate, why? (choose an option)

8 + 4 =