966715481 - Plaza del León, nº 2 - 03177 Daya Vieja info.dayavieja@dayavieja.es

Resolution of February 23, 2.018, of the general director of SERVEF.

The City of Daya Vieja, with the aim of improving the efficiency of employment policies in the municipality, has requested SERVEF a grant for the EMPUJU program, for an amount of € 30,414.48.

Based on this subsidy, 2 laborers will be hired temporarily for maintenance and cleaning of public roads, parks and municipal buildings. They must be young people, between 16 and 30 years old, who are enrolled in the National Youth Guarantee System. These people will be hired full-time for twelve months.

The City Council will proceed shortly to make an Offer to the Servef for the selection of the people to hire, so this selection is made known so that all young people who are interested and comply with the requirements can access these positions.