966715481 - Plaza del León, nº 2 - 03177 Daya Vieja info.dayavieja@dayavieja.es

Surroundings of the town

Very close to the municipality there are beautiful beaches such as Guardamar del Segura (5 km) or Torrevieja (15 km), being our town an ideal place for those who want to enjoy the beaches in a quiet place.

Also nearby are monumental cities such as Orihuela (20km away) or Elche (20km away).

Nearby are several museums (the archeological ones of Rojales, San Fulgencio, Guardamar, etc. or the ethnological ones of Almoradí, the artistic ones of Rojales, Orihuela, etc.).

The natural sites of the Serrano Hole, the Dunes of Guardamar and its Pinada, the Recorral, etc.

They are also very close to Daya Vieja. (Attached map of situation).

Very close to the municipality are beautiful beaches such as Guardamar del Segura (5 km) or Torrevieja (15 km), being our town an ideal place for those who want to enjoy the beaches in a quiet place.

Also nearby are monumental cities such as Orihuela (20km away) or Elche (20km away).

Nearby are several museums (the archeological ones of Rojales, San Fulgencio, Guardamar, etc. or the ethnological ones of Almoradí, the artistic ones of Rojales, Orihuela, etc.).

The natural sites of the Serrano Hole, the Dunes of Guardamar and its Pinada, the Recorral, etc. They are also very close to Daya Vieja. (Attached is a situation map).